Are VPNs About to Get Banned in China ?

You’ve likely got a VPN App (or two) on your phone to help visit inaccessible websites in China like Facebook and Instagram. But starting next month, they might be impossible to use. According to rumors circulating online this week, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) will be completely removed from Apple and Android’s Chinese app markets by July 1,…

Head-scratching ways companies screw up Wi-Fi

Network World has been covering network technologies for 30+ years now, and sometimes we assume that everyone knows what they’re doing when it comes to installing, configuring and using this stuff. But then we run across some examples where consumers and businesses are still not completely familiar with the gear. See Full Article here or download the…

Microsoft Builds Special Windows System For Chinese Government

Microsoft have built a custom version of its Windows operating system for the Chinese government, allowing them greater control over the platform. The tech giant announced yesterday at an event in Shanghai that its Windows 10 China Government Edition is now ready for use in the Middle Kingdom. The tweaked software allows the government to control the version used…

Customer Guidance for Preventing Ransomware Attack

Dear Valued Customers: On Friday, May 12, countless organizations around the world began fending off attacks from a ransomware strain variously known as WannaCrypt, WanaDecrypt and Wanna.Cry. Ransomware encrypts a victim’s documents, images, music and other files unless the victim pays for a key to unlock them. It quickly became apparent that Wanna was spreading…

Outage Hits Microsoft Email, Xbox, Skype

A huge outage hit Microsoft services Tuesday morning, with users across the globe experiencing problems accessing Outlook, Xbox and Skype. Users were unable to log onto the Outlook email client via mobile devices and received an error message when trying to access the desktop version of the service. See Full Article here or download the PDF version…