Aug 2009 (Since 2005)
We have had nothing but superior service from our engagements with SSBG. We began our relationship with them as a liaison/structural support team that would broker our relationships with China Telecom and other carriers. Also we engaged them to build out the cabling infrastructure in a brand new engineering office. From this initial contact our relationship has grown to on-site router, phone (Nortel BCM 50), and PC support. They are essentially my hands on IT team in Shanghai.
We have experienced a number of annoyance type of issues throughout the 3 years we have done business in Shanghai. I estimate our relationship with SSBG has saved our company at least 4 trips to Shanghai. Since we are currently only in Shanghai in regards to Asia, we have no other support system in the region and SSBG has become our IT arm.
在我们的合作中, 没有什么比SSBG的服务更卓越的了。 合作伊始, SSBG只是我们在中国的电信代理商。 随后我们委托SSBG 为我们的新工程办公室进行网络基础架构。 从此我们的合作越来越多, 比如网络, 电话系统以及用户电脑维护。 他们目前已然成为我在上海负责IT的左膀右臂。在过去的3年里, 我们经历了种种工作上的烦恼事, 而SSBG 却帮我们省却了至少4次来上海出差的必要。 目前我们在亚洲只有在上海一处分公司, SSBG是我们唯一的IT服务供应商, 也是我们在这里的臂膀。
Jeff Thackson
IT Architect
Nordyne (US)