Sam Ritter

Consulting Dept. Manager

Mark Li

Project & Purchasing Dept. Manager

Geoff Tao

IT Manager

Ivy Li

Finance Dept. Manager

Mashel Ye

Tier 2 Technical Team Leader

Sandy Sjarif

Tier 1 Technical Team Leader

Elena Zhu

Purchasing Specialist

Anne Fu

Finance & Accounting

Paul O’Malley

Senior Network & Systems Engineer

Alex Ho

Network & Systems Engineer

Derek Yao

Senior Tier 1 Support Technician

Lawrence Zhu

Tier 1 Support Technician

Who we are

Our greatest strength is our management mandate for natural growth within our market. We built a family culture that challenges team members but also supports personal growth. The decision to remain a non-public company means that SSBG does not make decisions based simply on maximizing growth or profits, but rather on developing mutually beneficial relationships – both with our customers and our personnel. This has allowed us to specialize on pure IT services based on an environment of constant self-evaluation and improvement.

Why we are different

  • Multinational Experience
  • Functional Teams
  • Constant Improvement
  • Internal Cross Training
  • Performance based Metrics
  • Dog Friendly

Our customers feedback

  • Dec 2018 (Since 2016)

    SSBG has provided an excellent level of service to us over the past several years. They have continued to exceed our expectations by solving our technical issues swiftly and efficiently, mostly afterhours, and communicating with us each step of the way in a clear and articulate manner. We feel confident and secure that our company’s information technology is in safe hands and protected thanks to SSBG. We highly recommend SSBG to any company.


    Enoch Lim
    Chief Investment Officer
    CCH Asset Management

    CCH Asset Management
  • Dec 2018 (Since 2015)

    Since we started to work with SSBG three years ago, SSBG has proven to be an important, professional and reliable partner to us. We would like to thank SSBG for all their support to Proterra Shanghai over the years and intend to continue to work together for the foreseeable future.

    自从我们三年前开始与SSBG合作以来,SSBG已被证明是我们重要,专业和可靠的合作伙伴。 我们要感谢SSBG多年来对Proterra Shanghai的支持,并打算在可预见的未来继续合作。

    Tai Lin
    Managing Director
    Proterra Investment Partners

    Proterra Investment Partners
  • Dec 2018 (Since 2005)

    We have been working with SSBG for 13 years and SSBG is a trusted partner. Thanks to SSBG for the services provided over the years.

    我们与SSBG合作13年了, SSBG是让人信赖的合作伙伴。 感谢SSBG多年来所提供的服务。

    Amanda Weng
    Office Manager

  • Dec 2018 (Since 2009)

    For many years SSBG has provided IT support to us and they have remained to be reliable in their service and responsive to our changing needs. It is a comfort to know that they are always there.

    多年来,SSBG一直为我们提供IT外包服务,他们的服务一直非常可靠,并能满足我们不断变化的需求。 知道他们总是在那里是一种安慰。

    Tom Tang
    General Manager


  • June 2017 (Since 2009)


    I have used SSBG for over 8 years in China. They always provide quality and reliable solutions from infrastructure set-up to trouble shooting. Fast response, quality people and solid results are their trademark. I just used them for a hosting and email transfer with great trepidation ! Totally seamless – no lost emails, seamless change over and unsolicited daily updates from the project Manager Geoff. First class all the way. Highly recommend.

    我司与SSBG合作至今已有8年之久。不管是IT环境建设或是系统故障排除,他们总是提供了值得信赖与优质的解决方案。SSBG一直保持着快捷的响应时间,高效的工程师与优质的处理结果。最近我又委托他们帮我做了网站与企业邮箱服务的数据迁移,结果是完美无缝的迁移:零丢失邮件 + 零停机时间 + PM主动的每日更新。一贯的一流服务,强烈推荐。

    Larry Hotaling
    Managing Director
    Global Diligence

    Global Diligence
  • May 2017 (Since 2016)

    Since engaging with SSBG they have provided a thorough and responsive solution to my remote office support requirements.


    Nathan Trevor
    IT Director


  • Dec 2018 (Since 2014)

    Our company has been in operation since 2004 and after 10 years of painful dealings with substandard/incompetent local IT companies we were fortunate to find SSBG. They have offered innovative solutions and premier service that has allowed our organization to become more productive.

    我们公司自2004年开始运营,经过10年与不合格/无能的本地IT公司的艰苦交易,我们很幸运地找到了SSBG。 他们提供创新的解决方案和优质的服务,使我们的组织提高了工作效率。

    Colin Lawrence
    China Consortium

    China Consortium
  • November 2016

    Thank you and please convey my “thanks” to your SSBG team! Your team has been a great help to us.

    谢谢你们! 请帮忙转达我对SSBG团队的谢意!你们的团队已经给予我们很大的支持与帮助!

    Jeff Heng
    Manager, Infrastructure – Network Services
    American Hotel Register Company 

  • Jan 2016 (Since 2006)

    SSBG has been a reliable partner for many years by providing first class service and support from a dedicated team of professionals and would highly recommend them to anyone doing business in Shanghai!  


    Jeff Zink
    IT Manager
    CAB Incorporated
    CAB Inc - header_logo

    CAB Incorporated
  • Dec 2015  (Since 2006)

    It has been a happy experience to work with SSBG, who always knows what Wesfarmers (Shanghai) needs.

    跟SSBG 合作是很开心的体验,他们总是知道我们需要什么。

    Ding Wen | General Manager
    WIS Supply Chain Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    WISAU - Logo

    WIS Supply Chain Management
  • Dec 2015 (Since 2009)

    We have been working with SSBG since 2009 and we are very satisfied with SSBG’s Team providing solutions to the different problems we face. They are very responsive and supportive to our needs and always follow up & track issues until they really resolve problems.

    I would confidently give them a strong 9 out of 10 on all points.

    我们从2009年就开始跟SSBG 合作,我们非常满意SSBG团队给我们提供的对各种问题的解决方案。他们对我们的需求非常重视跟负责,总是一直追踪直到问题解决。


    Joyce Wang
    Office Manager
    Hyman Global Solutions ( A Subsidiary of Lewis Hyman Inc.)
    Lewis Hyman Inc - logo

    Hyman Global Solutions
  • Nov 2015 (Since 2010)

    Our office has been relying on the services of SSBG ever since day one when we started operations in Shanghai. We are happy to have their professional services team behind us supporting us in China. They are quick to respond and able to deliver solid results! 


    Cecilia Yao
    Office manager
    Dynamite CA

    Dynamite CA
  • Oct 2015 (Since 2009)

    SPAL has been supported since 2009 by the SSBG team. The team at SSBG has managed and been responsible for all our IT related issues in China. From our positive experience we recommend them highly and look forward to their continued support.

    SSBG团队从2009年开始就一直支持SPAL. SSBG 管理并负责我们在中国所有的IT问题。根据其活跃的表现,我们给予他们高度的评价并希望一直得到他们的支持与服务。

    Jorgen Jonker
    General Manager
    SPAL (China)

    Spal_auto - logo

  • March 2012 (Since 2009)

    SSBG has done an excellent job keeping our IT needs up to check and highly recommend them for any of your current/future client’s IT needs.

    SSBG 在满足我们IT 需求上做得非常出色。 我们愿意为他们的现有和未来的客户作极力推荐。 

    Jim Lambert
    Managing Director
    FC Stone logo

  • July 2011 (Since 2005)

    I appreciate everything that SSBG does to keep our IT equipment and network in good shape.  SSBG is far and away our best support company globally.  I wish I could clone your organization in our other locations.

    感谢SSBG 为我们的IT 设备及网络保持良好状态而所做得一切。 SSBG 远胜于我们全球最好的服务供应商。 我希望将来可以将这样的合作复制到我们其他的分公司。

    Edie Nixon
    DD Williamson (SH)
    DDWilliamson - logo

    DD Williamson
  • Aug 2009 (Since 2005)

    We have had nothing but superior service from our engagements with SSBG. We began our relationship with them as a liaison/structural support team that would broker our relationships with China Telecom and other carriers. Also we engaged them to build out the cabling infrastructure in a brand new engineering office. From this initial contact our relationship has grown to on-site router, phone (Nortel BCM 50), and PC support. They are essentially my hands on IT team in Shanghai.

    We have experienced a number of annoyance type of issues throughout the 3 years we have done business in Shanghai. I estimate our relationship with SSBG has saved our company at least 4 trips to Shanghai. Since we are currently only in Shanghai in regards to Asia, we have no other support system in the region and SSBG has become our IT arm.

    在我们的合作中, 没有什么比SSBG的服务更卓越的了。 合作伊始, SSBG只是我们在中国的电信代理商。 随后我们委托SSBG 为我们的新工程办公室进行网络基础架构。 从此我们的合作越来越多, 比如网络, 电话系统以及用户电脑维护。 他们目前已然成为我在上海负责IT的左膀右臂。在过去的3年里, 我们经历了种种工作上的烦恼事, 而SSBG 却帮我们省却了至少4次来上海出差的必要。 目前我们在亚洲只有在上海一处分公司, SSBG是我们唯一的IT服务供应商, 也是我们在这里的臂膀。

    Jeff Thackson
    IT Architect
    Nordyne (US)
    Nordyne - Logo

  • July 2007 (Since 2003)

    At the time I wanted to deal with an American company that I felt  knew what they were doing and what they were talking about. SSBG responded quickly to my inquiries. The other companies were slower and did not have staff that  could answer questions to my satisfaction. Based on my 4 years’ experience with all kinds of domestic suppliers and consultants I would never consider a local owned IT company to touch my network or workstations.

    当时我想找一家能正真了解我们需求的美国公司。 SSBG 对我的要求作了非常快的回应。 而我找的其他几家供应商都没有那么快的回应而且他们的回答我都不满意。  根据我多年和格式各样供应商和顾问打交道的经验, 我不会让再让其他任何IT 公司来碰我们的网络和工作站。

    Jonathan Dickinson
    Owner & CEO
    RSA Design (China)

    RSA Design / Modern Space Design